Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cosmic Review #13! The Avenging Spider-Man #1!

Hey there comic junkies,

    I know what you are thinking. Where the hell have you been? Well, let me do my best to explain. Between writing my own comic, work, and job hunting the comic reviews got completely and utterly derailed. I have been keeping up to date with comics, including the New 52 launch, as well as working on my own stuff. Excuses aside, I have returned to provide my insight into the comic universe once again. I hope that you shall welcome my return and continue to entrust in me your time, patience, and most importantly comments and opinions. Without further delay let us begin by observing my comic pull list for this week, Nov 9.


Batman & Robin #3
Death stroke #3
Green Lantern #3


Avenging Spider-Man #1
Fear Itself #7.2
Journey Into Mystery #631
    It was definitely an enjoyable read this week for all the books. I definitely enjoyed each and every comic I grabbed this week, which is rare I find since the New 52 launch, as a lot of the titles I am trying are not keeping my attention throughout the read. Alas, this week I need to choose a comic so I have chosen to review “Avenging Spider-Man #1”.

Avenging Spider-Man #1
Written by: Zeb Wells
Art by: Joe Madureira
Color by: Ferran Daniel

    I am sure it comes to no surprise that I really enjoyed this first issue of Avenging Spider-Man. I was kind of sceptical when I picked it up as on the surface it caught me as another of the numerous Spidey titles out there. Let’s dig deeper on this.

    Firstly the art in this book is just absolutely stunning to me. I love Madureira’s style of art for this. The colors of Daniel completely compliment it and give the reader a completely astounding visual experience. The art in the action scenes was fantastic and really captured the intensity of the scenes. We even get some pretty awesome full page spreads as well. I was consistently entertained page after page. Next week I will definitely be picking up a poster of the cover art that I neglected to snag this week, great stuff.
    Moving on to the writing. My first experience with Zeb Wells was with the recent run he did on Carnage. When I saw that he was on Avenging Spider-Man I was definitely curious as I liked Carnage a lot and felt that it did not really get a fair reception amongst the comic readers I generally discuss comics with. Avenging Spider-Man brings us an enjoyable and satisfying Peter Parker, funny, humble, and constantly on the receiving end. I love the partnership dynamic Wells presents us in this issue (hint: Big. Red. Easily Annoyed) and I definitely see this becoming something enjoyable to read. The issue is action-packed from start to finish and really sets an interesting stage for issue #2. I look forward to seeing how this title unfolds and I see myself on board to at least issue #10.

Cosmic Rating: 5/5

- Fantastic Art
- Action-Packed issue
- Lot of potential out of the gate
- Definitely recommend to Spidey fans!

    That will be it for the Cosmic Comic Review #13. I am once again writing reviews again once a week and I hope that I can bring some insight and foster discussion among comic fans in the future. Until next week, take care and happy reading!

Luca “Joriko” Baldassarra

Follow me on Twitter @Lucacosmic for news on comics, video games, and everything in between AND Check out my fan-page on Facebook at!

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